Sunday, November 11, 2018

Fiber for fox sake

I see you there with your standard American plate, all animal protein, starchy carb, and that frozen vegetable mix you're going to hide under your potato skin and push around your plate until it looks like you've eaten something.  I see you in the cafeteria with your lunch of french fries, chili dog and Coke.  May I suggest, before you tell me your next diet trend, that you try adding some fiber?

Fiber that wonderfully beneficial something that lowers your cholesterol, helps you feel full and controls your blood sugars and like vegetables we get woefully little of it.  The recommendation is for about 25-30g of fiber per day and we get about 12g.  (Probably because you're not eating your fucking vegetables).

There's two types of fiber the soluble kind that forms a gel and slurps through your digestive track it brings down your cholesterol, controls those blood sugars and help you go(to the bathroom that is).  Sources include oatmeal (beware of the coffee and oatmeal breakfast if you have plans that will keep you from a bathroom later), nuts, beans, and some fruits.  Insoluble on the other hand is more like a brush scrubbing things clean and also helping to move things along.  Sources include vegetables, whole grain, and nuts.

Side note to talk about whole grains:  whole grains are grains that still have all their parts.  White rice is just a PART of brown rice.  The starchy energy filled part (endosperm).The reason why brown rice takes so long to cook?  that tough FIBERy outside shell also known as the bran.  And then there's the germ where the B vitamins (the guys that help with using energy from fats, proteins, and carbs, help you create new red blood cells, keep your nervous system healthy, and prevent birth defects), protein, fats and minerals are. All processed grains are missing the bran and the germ meaning you're missing a heap of nutrition.

So before you say I'm gonna go buy that box of cereal with 28 g of fiber per serving lets talk the real stuff.  Those little gut bacteria of yours (you know the ones that make beans musical) are used to you current eating habits so before you get all crazy lets shop your own cabinet.  Go look at your cereals, breads, tortillas, pastas, rices that you already have and see how many grams of fiber there are (it's there under the Total Carbohydrates).  Then add 3 g of fiber to every other day until you're getting all those benefits.

Here's how to do that:
add in one more serving of fruit
add in one more serving of vegetables (you're still eating that one serving every day right?)
find one of those low fiber things you're running low on and replace it with something with at least 3 g of fiber
Add more beans
Eat some oatmeal

And get your fiber for fox sake.

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