Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Hand trick

Over the last few weeks I've been using a calorie tracking app to see how much I've been eating. The results have been enlightening to say the least. As we age our metabolism slows and what you've always eaten can suddenly be too much. I noticed the first dip around 25 and here at 32 I'm noticing it again. Calorie tracker apps are a great way to check in with what your current intake is and can make you think twice about that second handful of nuts (or two scoop sundae at Baskin Robbins). But while having a conversation with a friend I found out that tracking portions can be difficult if you're not used to measuring portions. As a general rule of hand:
3 oz of meat or chicken is about the size of the palm of your hand ( and yes that's what you should be eating per serving)
A cup is the size of your fist
An oz is about the size of the meaty part under your thumb
A tablespoon in the size of your thumb
And 1-2 oz of nuts or dried fruit should fit into your cupped hand.

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