Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Reluctant Dietitian

3500 kcal equals 1 pound. So, in essence, if you cut out 3500 calories a week you lose 1 pound per week and if you add 3500 calories you'll gain 1 pound per week. So to break it down further that's about 500 calories per day, which sounds easy doesn't it? In fact it's not. If it were we probably wouldn't have an obesity epidemic and companies like McDonalds wouldn't have such a huge market. We'd look at our Double frappuccino with extra whip and say I don't need this, but food is tied into our essence it is how we relate to others, it's what we do, it's how we cope/celebrate/relax. I believe in the wholeness of food. I believe that you cannot extract from food any substance which would make it healthier than the food it came from. What you eat, how you eat, what you do with your food should be a priority in your life. But, we as a nation have stepped away from the value of food being the food itself to convenience and cost being what we value most. I think that we need to change what we put first, we need to put exercise and fitness back on the table and I think if you make eating a priority it will become easier. But who am I? I'm a registered dietitian, runner, rider, foodie, country kid mixed with barefoot hippie child. I juggle my busy life like everyone else, I balance my sweet tooth with my desire for good sustainable food, I am the reluctant dietitian and I would like to change the way we eat, our priorities and the way we value our health.

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