Take a moment and take stock of what is going well in your life. Then think what life would look like if you were thriving. Compare the two maybe think about some goals you can make to get to thriving. For me this is terrifying. I lost my mare this year, and my boyfriend left and work had a strike. The world feels so uncertain to me as I prepare to go to grad school that I just want to say I get it. It's safe here in the I don't want to make plans because they fail. So even if your one little step is to take note of what makes you thrive,do that until you feel able to take the next step. And maybe once you've got that you can say maybe this week I'll try doing a little more of x. Until you've got yourself a few goals to work on. Baby steps.
Thrive: to develop well or flourish
Go forth and flourish my dears.